Saturday, March 19, 2011

$8.00 A Gallon For Gas

!: .00 A Gallon For Gas

Gas prices have swollen to .00 per gallon in the United States. Think it can't double?

Our friends in Canada already pay the equivalent of .00 per gallon. Other countries are paying significantly more. It was only a couple of years ago when we were shocked about .00 a gallon for gas when we drove into our local station.

It is all supply and demand. Our demand for gasoline will not diminish, not to any meaningful degree. Even if people stop going on pleasure trips (which will happen if prices get too high), people still need to drive to work, to drop the kids off at school, to buy groceries, to live life. Hybrids and such are not in our mainstream, and any significant push towards this end will take years.

Supply will not pick up anytime soon. Whether it is because of the oil barons holding back supply to keep prices inflated, or whether there is just not enough oil to go around legitimately, either way prices will be affected. So will our wallets.

There is no reason to believe that prices will ever fall again, truth be told. What would cause a decrease in prices? The oil companies will not help out, unless it could be proven that they are inflating prices. Who knows who is lobbying whom, and that is part of the problem also. Hey, the Mice are guarding my cheese.

.00 a gallon is not a joke. It is a real possibility, and not for some future generation. I fear that a few years from now, we will look back and remember the good old days, when gas was .00 a gallon.

.00 A Gallon For Gas

!: Shopping Mcculloch Electric Chipper Shredder !: Comment Pressure Washing Houses

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