Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Natural Gas Cars - #1 Reason to Convert Your Vehicle Now

!: Natural Gas Cars - #1 Reason to Convert Your Vehicle Now

While it seems as though gas prices have been slowly settling down to a more 'comfortable level' (if you can call it that), to around .75 per gallon here in the states, this price drop will be short lived and will definitely increase to well over .00 per gallon soon after the Presidential Election.

Crude oil has been trading at about 8 per barrel on the stock market, down from 6 per barrel just at the start of summer and is predicted to reach over 0 per barrel at the start of 2009.

It seems that, as consumers, we have absolutely no control of the economy and are simply innocent by-standers to the global flux in oil trades. Many people across the country have had to acquire a second job or start a small home business in order to supplement their income just to be able afford to pay for these high gas prices to continue to do the tasks and errands that need to be done day to day.

While some preach car-pooling or public transportation, this is just not an option for many Americans today. While the rise in gas prices has been more than tough to handle, most enjoy their independence and would never convert to a dependency on others to commute. So what is the answer? How do we battle these gas wars yet keep our independence?

Natural gas cars is how.

Honda, GMC, Toyota and other manufactures are currently developing environmentally safe vehicles with low emissions that provide great gas mileage in the long term. Unfortunately, most of the vehicles are very small in size and also come with a very high price tag to boot (and with the slow economy, who's really in the market for a new vehicle anyway). However, thousands of people have discovered that they can utilize the same kind of technology in the vehicle that they currently have.

If you knew that you could utilize simple tap water to help power your vehicle as a supplement to gas and boost your gas mileage any where from 50-300%, wouldn't you use it? I do.

Gas prices will never be back to .00 or even .00 per gallon ever again. With this simple technology that you can install on any vehicle yourself, being able to double or in many Cases triple your gas mileage even in big trucks is substantial. When gas prices reach -6 per gallon, wouldn't it be a relief to know that instead of your car only getting 20 miles to the gallon, you are at least able to get 40 or even 60 miles with low emissions in the same car? Of course it would.

There are other reasons to convert your car into a natural gas burning (water) car but this is number one for obvious reasons.

Natural Gas Cars - #1 Reason to Convert Your Vehicle Now

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

$8.00 A Gallon For Gas

!: .00 A Gallon For Gas

Gas prices have swollen to .00 per gallon in the United States. Think it can't double?

Our friends in Canada already pay the equivalent of .00 per gallon. Other countries are paying significantly more. It was only a couple of years ago when we were shocked about .00 a gallon for gas when we drove into our local station.

It is all supply and demand. Our demand for gasoline will not diminish, not to any meaningful degree. Even if people stop going on pleasure trips (which will happen if prices get too high), people still need to drive to work, to drop the kids off at school, to buy groceries, to live life. Hybrids and such are not in our mainstream, and any significant push towards this end will take years.

Supply will not pick up anytime soon. Whether it is because of the oil barons holding back supply to keep prices inflated, or whether there is just not enough oil to go around legitimately, either way prices will be affected. So will our wallets.

There is no reason to believe that prices will ever fall again, truth be told. What would cause a decrease in prices? The oil companies will not help out, unless it could be proven that they are inflating prices. Who knows who is lobbying whom, and that is part of the problem also. Hey, the Mice are guarding my cheese.

.00 a gallon is not a joke. It is a real possibility, and not for some future generation. I fear that a few years from now, we will look back and remember the good old days, when gas was .00 a gallon.

.00 A Gallon For Gas

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